We have precautions we take to significantly mitigate risk of illness while attending our short in-person classes and enjoy gathering as a musical community.  These measures are fluid & updated often.

Kindermusik With Friends holds 45-60 minute classes for Newborns-5.5 Year Olds. The most effective risk mitigation for this age group, for this short amount of time in an indoor space, include: staying home when ill, wearing a mask when airborne illnesses are high, air quality, hand hygiene & community vaccination.


  • You and your child may NOT enter the building if you or they are ill. Fever, diarrhea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, etc.
  • With unlimited make-ups and unlimited attendance, you never need to attend class when you or your children are ill.
  • If you have ANY questions about whether you should attend class due to symptoms, please contact me.
  • This policy is very strict and will be reinforced and communicated often. Do not enter the building when you or your child is ill.


  • All materials for class are washed and disinfected before your use.
  • HEPA air purifiers in each studio are on HIGH at all times.
  • HVAC units have MERV-13 filters with fans on high to create proper air exchange with the outside air.
  • The lobby water fountain will be unplugged if flu, RSV & covid cases are high.


  • When you wash your hands often, you significantly limit the spread of germs.
  • We have hand sanitizer stations at each entrance of the studios, inside the studios, in the lobby and hall.
  • We ask that all sanitize or wash hands before, during and after class.
  • Three private bathrooms with soap, hot water, paper towel dispensers and covered garbage bins should provide all necessary for washing hands.


  • Wearing masks significantly limits the spread of Covid-19 & many other airborne illnesses. Masks are NOT required but are recommended for all over 2 years old when community transmission levels are very high.
  • Properly fitted, high-quality masks protect you & others if you put them on before entering the building.
  • Masks are safe to be worn by anyone OVER 2 years old. If your child tolerates masks well, they are encouraged to wear them in our building to protect them and others when flu, RSV & covid cases are very high.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19, RSV, the stomach flu and other airborne illnesses exists in ANY public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC, senior citizens and people with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable if not vaccinated & boosted.

By visiting Kindermusik With Friends you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to these illnesses. Help keep each other healthy.