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  • JUNE SESSION: Busy Days Tuesdays 9:15am TIRISH
     06/04/2024 - 06/25/2024
     9:15 am - 10:00 am

BABIES (0-18 Months Old)
(with parent/caregiver)
Weekly 45-Minute Unlimited Classes June 3-June 24
Class Size: Min. 6-Max.12

BUSY DAYS Curriculum

Tuition Only  $100 PRORATED
( Babies under 4 months tuition is free while under 4 months, must still pay for materials. Email: kim@kindermusikwithfriends.com with your child’s birthdate. Additional siblings within age range take 20% off. Put in promo code: SUMMERSIB )


Venue Phone: 952-215-4877

1351 Park Road, Chanhassen, Minnesota, 55317, United States